March 15, 2018

DRAC Meeting

March 15, 2018
9:30am - 3:30pm

Council Offices or by Webinar (see below)
851 SW Sixth Ave, Suite 1100
Portland, OR 97204


9:30 AM         Welcome and Introductions  Tina Jayaweera, John Ollis

  • Agenda Review and Approval
  • Minutes Review
  • 2018 Plan for DRAC
    • DR Model, Barriers mitigation
  • PNDRP - June 19, 2018

9:45 AM         BPA Demand Response Potential Study – Lee Hall, BPA

10:45  AM      Break

11:00 AM       BPA DR Pilot – Lee Hall, BPA & John Steigers, Energy Northwest

12:00  PM      Lunch (on your own)

1:00 PM         PGE/BPA Water Heater Controls Study – Conrad Eustis, PGE

1:45 PM         CTA 2045 Work – Jeff Harris, NEEA

2:15 PM         Break

2:30 PM         Proposed DR Pilot at Tacoma Power - Ahlmahz Negash, Tacoma Power

3:30 PM         Closing & next steps

Next meeting topics

  • T&D Deferral
  • Barrier Mitigation
  • Meeting schedule
  • History of DR in region


Webinar info for those who cannot attend in person:

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. 

You can also dial in using your phone. 
United States (Toll-free) 1 877 309 2070 

Access Code: 799-405-677