Ocean and Plume Science and Management Forum
Meeting and Conference Call
10:00 AM – 3:30 PM
GoToMeeting and conference call: 800-356-8278, code 186685
Agenda (10/19/17)
- Welcome and introductions (10 min)
- Check-in on Forum progress & future (10 min)
- Recap of last meeting, approve draft notes from last meeting (5 min)
- Update on any Fish and Wildlife Program related happenings (15 min)
- Fish and Wildlife Program tasks update
- Remembrances
- Density dependence in the Columbia River Estuary
- Update on availability of habitat, status of habitat restoration and protection in the estuary (20 min, Catherine Corbett, LCEP)
- Update on the potential to evaluate density dependence in the estuary and challenges (20 min)
- Density Dependence, a data (and thought) exploration, Brian Burke (NWFSC)
- Practical consideration for detecting density dependence in the Columbia River estuary, Laurie Weitkamp, NWFSC)
- Discussion (20 min)
Lunch on your own
- Environmental status and trends in the Columbia River plume and nearshore ocean & estuary:
- Update on ocean indicators for 2017 (20 min, Brian Burke, NWFSC)
- Potential indicators of habitat and water quality in the lower Columbia River (20 min, Joe Needoba, OHSU)
- Discussion (20 min)
- Break
- Use of status and trend information:
- Run size forecasts of natural coho populations for Washington State tributaries of the Lower Columbia River (20 min, Mara Zimmerman, WDFW)
- Perspectives on Columbia River Chum (10 min, Todd Hilson, WDFW)
- Perspectives from IDFG (10 min, Tim Copeland, IDFG)
- Discussion (30 min)
- Wrap up: summary, future events