9:30 - 11 a.m. (PST), large conference room

GoToMeeting or conference call 1-800-356-8278, code 186685


  • IEAB Task Update - the IEAB has made progress on their draft O&M paper and are meeting on July 29th.  Terry Morlan (IEAB Chair) and Bill Booth (O&M Subcommittee Chair) will provide a brief overview of the IEAB July 29th meeting and provide an update on the O&M paper.
  • Screens - Bonneville and Council staff will provide an update on the data base created to reflect the inventory received from FSOC and cross referenced with existing contract data (from Pisces).  The next steps in managing this asset will be discussed.
  • Hatcheries – Bonneville and Council staff will present information to conduct the assessments for the direct Program hatcheries.