Recording of Meeting / Attendees

1:30 - 3:30pm (PST)

GoToMeeting or conference call 800-356-8278, code 186685

Draft Agenda

  • Welcome (Lynn Palensky)
  • Introductions (Name and affiliation)
  • Background (Lynn Palensky)
  • Meeting Objective(s)
  • What do conditions look like for his summer?  (All)
  • How are we approaching this summer based on last year?
    • FPAC (memo)
    • Paul Kline IDFG SR Sockeye
    • Okanogan (Jeff Korth) Sockeye
    • Fish Passage Center (what they provide)
    • Others MFWP (Matt Boyer), CRITFC, Tribes, Teresa Scott (WDFW), USGS, EPA, others?
3:00Other considerations: (All)
  • How can we better support the existing processes?
  • What more environmental data do we need?
  • Fish mortality response between BONN and McNary. How do we deal with that this summer, or in the future?
  • How can we share resources/equipment?
3:20Wrap-up and next steps (Jennifer Anders and Lynn Palensky)