Dear Regional Coordinators and others,

In its 2014 Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program, the Council committed to reviewing and updating its 2006 Columbia River Research Plan. The Council will hold a meeting to hear input from state and federal fisheries agencies and tribes and other partners about what should be included in the updated research plan.

Who should attend? Agencies and tribes, others interested in providing input on the Council’s research plan

When is the meeting?  Monday, March 7, 2016, 1:30 PM

GoToMeeting or conference call 800-356-8278, code 186685

Please RSVP to Patty O’Toole,, 503-222-5161. Direct any questions related to this meeting or the research plan to the same.

Background Information

In early 2015 the Council requested that the independent science panels review past research and the critical uncertainties relevant to the program. Specifically, the Council asked the Independent Scientific Advisory Board and the Independent Scientific Review Panel for a report that includes:

  1. a revised set of critical uncertainties;
  2. a detailed list of research themes or categories that fully encompasses past, current, and possible future research;
  3. scientific input on identifying priorities among the critical uncertainties; and
  4. a determination of whether ongoing research is making progress in answering critical uncertainties listed in the current research plan.

The report, Critical Uncertainties for the Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program is posted and comment on the report will continue through March 11, 2016. The purpose of the research plan is to help the Council, Bonneville, project sponsors and the independent science panels track and evaluate research projects, prioritize critical uncertainties for the program, and along with other considerations, guide funding recommendations. It is anticipated that the draft revised research plan will be circulated for public review before final revision and approval by the Council.