John Fazio
Senior Power Systems Analyst
John Fazio has been a senior systems analyst for the Pacific Northwest Power and Conservation Council since 1984. His primary duty is to assist in the development of the Council's regional power plan. He is the co-chair of the Council’s Resource Adequacy Advisory Committee’s technical committee. He is a member (and former chairman) of the IEEE Loss of Load Expectation working group, a subcommittee of the Risk, Reliability and Probabilistic Applications committee. He is also a member of NERC’s Probabilistic Assessment Working Group (PAWG), which was tasked under the 2005 Energy Act to standardize the definitions of metrics used to assess resource adequacy. His work for the Council focuses on assessing power supply adequacy, resource cost effectiveness, impacts of alternative hydroelectric operations and climate change effects on the power supply. Hydroelectric analysis is an essential part of the development of the Council's fish and wildlife program.
Born in Genoa, Italy in 1952, John immigrated to the United States with his family in 1955. He is a U.S. citizen. In 1974 he received a B.S. degree in physics from the University of Portland and in 1976 he received an MS degree in Physics from the University of Oregon. As a doctoral candidate at the University of Oregon, John was awarded a research assistantship for particle physics research at the school's Van der Graaf accelerator. In 1977, however, before completing his thesis, John accepted a position at the Bonneville Power Administration to work on power system analysis. He has taught physics at the University of Portland, University of Oregon and at Concordia College. John has also worked occasionally on national and international projects related to hydroelectric operations.