View comments that have been submitted.

RD-0418 11/12/2002 Klein, Steven Tacoma Power view
RD-0412 10/31/2002 Liberty, David view
RD-0409 10/30/2002 Reiten, Patrick Updated version of Joint Utilities Proposal, with additions highlighted in yellow (also see RD-0374, RD-0365 and RD-0036) view
RD-0411 10/29/2002 Eldrige, M. Steven Umatilla Electric Cooperative view
RD-0413 10/29/2002 Farnsworth, Harold E.J. Bartells view
RD-0394 10/21/2002 Leone, C. Clark Public Power Council: Joint customer response to comments view
RD-0376 10/20/2002 Bartle, David and Cindi view
RD-0354 10/18/2002 Drummond, William Western Montana Electric Generating and Transmission Cooperative view
RD-0348 10/18/2002 Eades, Glenn Mountaineers view
RD-0399 10/18/2002 Fanger, Rose view
RD-0368 10/18/2002 Ford, Pat Save Our Wild Salmon: Addendum to original proposal (see RD-0014) view
RD-0359 10/18/2002 Henderson, Edward M. Jr. view
RD-0373 10/18/2002 Heutte, Fred view
RD-0372 10/18/2002 Kahn, Robert, Ed.D. Northwest Independent Power Producers Coalition view
RD-0369 10/18/2002 Klein, Steven Tacoma Power view
RD-0357 10/18/2002 Lonsdale, Sandy; Albert, Mark Vulcan Power view
RD-0363 10/18/2002 McLerie Blackman, Susie view
RD-0401 10/18/2002 Multiple Form letter #6: support of aluminum industry, post-Seattle meeting (6 respondents) view
RD-0370 10/18/2002 Patton, Sara Northwest Energy Coalition: Addendum to Public Interest Proposal view
RD-0374 10/18/2002 Reiten, Patrick Updated version of Joint Utilities Proposal (also see RD-0365 and RD-0036) view
RD-0356 10/18/2002 Rhoads-Weaver, Heather Northwest Sustainable Energy for Economic Development view
RD-0384 10/18/2002 Sampson, Don Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission view
RD-0408 10/18/2002 Showalter, Marilyn Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission view
RD-0371 10/18/2002 Speer, Jack Alcoa view
RD-0375 10/18/2002 Stephens, Don view
RD-0355 10/18/2002 Tominaga, Lynn Idaho Irrigation Pumpers view
RD-0398 10/18/2002 Usibelli, Tony Washington Office of Trade and Economic Development view
RD-0351 10/17/2002 Bingham, Hiram Davenport Power view
RD-0352 10/17/2002 Canon, Ken Industrial Customers of Northwest Utilities view
RD-0366 10/17/2002 Conlin, Roger view
RD-0353 10/17/2002 Eisdorfer, Jason Citizens' Utility Board of Oregon view
RD-0360 10/17/2002 Geist, Kurt re: Clean Energy Proposal view
RD-0350 10/17/2002 Morgan, Ken Clallam County Public Utility District view
RD-0349 10/17/2002 Priestley, Frank Idaho Farm Bureau view
RD-0361 10/17/2002 Ratcliff, Carl view
RD-0332 10/16/2002 Davis, Mary view
RD-0331 10/16/2002 Flaherty, Pan view
RD-0347 10/16/2002 Kelley, Linda re: Clean Energy Proposal view
RD-0400 10/16/2002 Kennedy, Debra Community Action Directors of Oregon view
RD-0395 10/16/2002 Reid, Susan City of Ashland view
RD-0333 10/16/2002 Renz, Kathryn re: Clean Energy Proposal view
RD-0330 10/15/2002 Seligman, Dan Canby Utility Board view
RD-0416 10/14/2002 Gallegos, Elena view
RD-0417 10/14/2002 Gallegos, Samantha view
RD-0334 10/14/2002 Renee, Coleen re: Clean Energy Proposal view
RD-0335 10/13/2002 Graham, Holly re: Clean Energy Proposal view
RD-0336 10/13/2002 Stapp, Eileen re: Clean Energy Proposal view
RD-0365 10/13/2002 Williams, Lyn Updated version of Joint Utilities Proposal (also see RD-0036) view
RD-0340 10/12/2002 Hahn, D. re: Clean Energy Proposal view
RD-0342 10/12/2002 Marshall, Mark re: Clean Energy Proposal view
RD-0338 10/12/2002 Melos, Linda, M.D. re: Clean Energy Proposal view
RD-0339 10/12/2002 Morgan, Susan re: Clean Energy Proposal view
RD-0337 10/12/2002 Perrotti, Edward David view
RD-0343 10/12/2002 Pomeroy, Anahata view
RD-0345 10/11/2002 Keefe-Martin, Erin re: Clean Energy Proposal view
RD-0346 10/11/2002 Rader, Max re: Clean Energy Proposal view
RD-0344 10/11/2002 Razmov, Valentin re: Clean Energy Proposal view
RD-0310 10/10/2002 Akin, James view
RD-0329 10/10/2002 Cavett, Michael Port Townsend Chamber of Commerce view
RD-0305 10/10/2002 Marciniak, Aimee view
RD-0306 10/10/2002 Martinez, Cassidy view
RD-0307 10/10/2002 Miller, Steve view
RD-0396 10/10/2002 Monson, Dile City of Burley view
RD-0328 10/10/2002 Monson, Dile City of Burley view
RD-0311 10/10/2002 Multiple Form letter #5 supporting clean energy proposal (370 respondents) view
RD-0304 10/10/2002 Potts, Sienna view
RD-0296 10/9/2002 Pintler, Francis view
RD-0301 10/9/2002 Roth, Peter view
RD-0291 10/8/2002 Burke, Bryan view
RD-0295 10/8/2002 Kingsford-Smith, Steve & Glacier view
RD-0290 10/8/2002 Moody, Mark view
RD-0364 10/8/2002 Randell, Tim view
RD-0228 10/8/2002 Schaeffer, Donna view
RD-0266 10/8/2002 Semler, Dan view
RD-0292 10/8/2002 Worden, Donald view
RD-0224 10/7/2002 Classen, Juliann view
RD-0221 10/7/2002 Clouston, Sidney view
RD-0415 10/7/2002 Gallegos, Sally view
RD-0223 10/7/2002 Jennings, Nayana view
RD-0362 10/7/2002 Kempsell, Lesley view
10/7/2002 Multiple Form letter #4 on public interest proposals, submitted by about 7 respondents view
RD-0232 10/5/2002 Wolf, Keith view
RD-0242 10/4/2002 Diamond, Red view
RD-0234 10/3/2002 Cahoon, Lloyd Economic Development Council of Jefferson County view
RD-0225 10/3/2002 Callas, Perry view
RD-0235 10/3/2002 Duncan, Alan view
RD-0230 10/3/2002 Herrero, Martha view
RD-0414 10/3/2002 Loesche, Jennifer view
RD-0179 10/3/2002 Schwindt, Delores view
RD-0207 10/3/2002 Talbot, P. view
RD-0187 10/2/2002 Durand, Lucia view
RD-0236 10/2/2002 Gresky, Robert view
RD-0299 10/2/2002 Isbell, Lyle view
RD-0233 10/2/2002 Mendenhall, Scott Jefferson Local Development Corporation view
RD-0308 10/2/2002 Randell, Kathy view
RD-0183 10/2/2002 Rosback, Marty view
RD-0231 10/2/2002 Trout, Robert view
RD-0186 10/2/2002 Wooten, George Methow Valley Citizens Council view
RD-0178 10/1/2002 Franulovich, Evan view
RD-0410 10/1/2002 Jensen, Phil Luhr-Jensen view
RD-0185 10/1/2002 Kiegel, Joseph view
RD-0177 10/1/2002 Willey, Steve Backwoods Solar Electric Systems view
RD-0172 9/30/2002 Alm, Edward view
RD-0173 9/30/2002 Dalton, Sharon view
RD-0169 9/30/2002 Granger, Joe view
RD-0180 9/30/2002 Hamilton, Liz Northwest Sportfishing Industry Association view
RD-0229 9/30/2002 Hay, Susan view
RD-0168 9/30/2002 view
RD-0176 9/30/2002 Streeter, Sally view
RD-0175 9/30/2002 Wood, Jean view
RD-0167 9/29/2002 Potter, Toni League of Women Voters view
reply 11/21 by Gareth Bolt Aluminum Industry worker and sportsman
The common denominator I see in a lot of the proposals from the Utility sector is the desire for stability in the system. What no one seems to address, at least in terms that make any monetary sense is where is the money lost from the Aluminum industry going to come from. Are the utilities going to pay that much more in taxes and in public contributions to make up the shortfall? How will Whatcom County schools, Ferndale and Blaine in particular be able to deal with the loss of a million dollars in revenue? Where are the living wage jobs going to come from to employ the thousands that will be put out of work if the Aluminum Industry closes in Washington? Without jobs that carry the wages and benefits that this industry provides, everyone, families, businesses, schools and local government will suffer. Everyone but the utilities that is. Keep the production of aluminum onshore where it can do us all some good.
reply 11/11 by Robert Trout, Concerned Aluminum employee and taxpayer and Sportsman..
I am disappointed with the position of the League of Women Voters on this issue. In the past I have viewed your group as people who "do their homework" on political issues. The League could not possibly have done their homework on this issue. During the Portland hearing the presenters of the Public Intrests Groups Proposal were asked who would fund "making workers whole", their reply was something to the effect of "we have not considered that, we don't know". The obvious answer is the region's taxpayers. When you eliminate the Aluminum industry, Aluminum workers (est. 49,000 jobs) and the taxes paid by both groups from the equation, you eliminate millions of dollars to be spent on Salmon Restoration in the future. Not to mention reduction of the tax base this proposal is adding signifigant burden to. The League of Women Voters needs to return to the practice of doing their homework, as they have done in the past.
RD-0165 9/28/2002 Ball, Eldon view
RD-0393 9/28/2002 Cuse, Jerry view
RD-0388 9/28/2002 Dahlgren, Mark view
RD-0387 9/28/2002 Glod, David view
RD-0391 9/28/2002 Gubich, M. view
RD-0390 9/28/2002 Hanowell, Carl view
RD-0166 9/28/2002 LaZerte, Elizabeth and Gordon view
RD-0389 9/28/2002 Leach, Steve view
RD-0392 9/28/2002 Nyberg, Berni view
RD-0145 9/27/2002 Hensle, Judith Ree view
9/27/2002 Multiple Form letter #3 supporting aluminum industry, submitted by about 100 commenters view
RD-0148 9/27/2002 Nielsen, Jack, Roseanna and Dale view
RD-0147 9/27/2002 Raymond, Michelle view
RD-0146 9/26/2002 Fetz, Margot view
RD-0141 9/26/2002 McCracken, Mary view
RD-0170 9/25/2002 Adler, Herb and Joyce view
RD-0142 9/25/2002 Chisholm, Bill view
RD-0171 9/25/2002 Coleman, David view
RD-0144 9/25/2002 Dexheimer, Derek view
RD-0189 9/25/2002 Freeman, Corey Northwest Sportfishing Industry Association view
RD-0190 9/25/2002 Graham, Judie Washington Trollers Association view
RD-0132 9/25/2002 Klise, Geoff view
RD-0139 9/25/2002 Logan, Corina view
RD-0140 9/25/2002 McComas, Bruce Port Townsend Paper view
RD-0143 9/25/2002 Moore, Daniel view
RD-0112 9/24/2002 Friedman, Neil view
RD-0127 9/24/2002 Hertz, Karen view
RD-0126 9/24/2002 Kallas, John view
RD-0129 9/24/2002 Mitchell, Heather view
RD-0130 9/24/2002 Pauley, Stephen, M.D. view
RD-0125 9/24/2002 Rivard, Mary view
RD-0128 9/24/2002 Sarvis, Ruth view
RD-0131 9/24/2002 Sauer, Ann view
RD-0124 9/24/2002 Schieltz, Wendy & Lon view
RD-0115 9/23/2002 Heberger, Roy Jr. view
RD-0114 9/23/2002 Waters, Lorah view
RD-0117 9/22/2002 Artley, Richard view
RD-0113 9/20/2002 Armstrong, Mike and McNorris, Cathy State of Washington Representatives view
RD-0094 9/20/2002 Farrelly, Peter view
RD-0300 9/20/2002 Ratcliff, Carl view
RD-0093 9/20/2002 Renken, Norah view
RD-0041 9/19/2002 Launer, Ray view
9/19/2002 Multiple Form letter #1 beginning "…protect remaining wild salmon", from about 100 commenters view
RD-0040 9/19/2002 Peterson, Jan view
RD-0298 9/19/2002 Pinkham, Ryan view
RD-0092 9/19/2002 Ray, Rick view
9/18/2002 Multiple Form letter #2 beginning "I strongly support clean energy…", and postcards from about 1,300 commenters. Postcard is an abridged form of the letter. view
RD-0038 9/18/2002 Rimbos, Peter and Naomi view
RD-0039 9/18/2002 Soeldner, Rev. Thomas view
RD-0091 9/18/2002 Van Fleet, Douglas view
RD-0031 9/17/2002 Biondo, K. Ryan view
RD-0297 9/17/2002 Cantwell, Smith, DeFazio, Baird, McDermott, Smith Senators and members of Congress view
RD-0024 9/17/2002 Flakus, Greg view
RD-0037 9/17/2002 Gerdemann, Janice view
RD-0032 9/16/2002 Din, Carla United Steelworkers of America view
RD-0036 9/16/2002 Leone, C. Clark Joint Utilities Proposal (aka Investor-Owned Utility proposal) view
RD-0029 9/16/2002 Negri, Pamela Pamela Negri and Ted Forsberg view
reply 9/23 by
Hydro is efficient and cheap. Wind, solar, and other alternatives and renewables remain expensive. If Pam wants to rip out dams, she should be wiling to pay for other people's electric bills.
RD-0030 9/16/2002 Russell, Monica view
RD-0021 9/16/2002 Slifer, Betty view
RD-0020 9/16/2002 Stonington, Louise view
RD-0108 9/15/2002 Gregori, Tim R. Central Montana Electric Cooperative view
RD-0327 9/14/2002 Duncan, Alan view
RD-0034 9/14/2002 Mackay, R. Thomas AgriNorthwest view
RD-0022 9/13/2002 Borton, Christopher Sage Mountain Center view
RD-0018 9/13/2002 Grinter, John view
RD-0015 9/13/2002 Hamann, H.K. view
RD-0014 9/12/2002 Ford, Pat Save Our Wild Salmon, and others view
reply 9/17 by
This proposal includes "an equal vote for salmon". First, salmon can't vote themselves. Second, the proposal seems to indicate that Indian Tribes should soley represent salmon. The public is aware of salmon issues and we all want their well being factored in as part of the overall equation. One constituency should not have a greater say.
RD-0019 9/12/2002 Gorringe, Richard, Ph.D. view
RD-0025 9/12/2002 Hall, Julie view
RD-0013 9/12/2002 Lambe, Frank Emerald PUD view
RD-0011 9/12/2002 Lucas, Donna Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians view
RD-0028 9/12/2002 Maxey, Rob view
RD-0027 9/12/2002 O'Farrell, Mary view
RD-0012 9/12/2002 Speer, Jack ALCOA view
RD-0027 9/12/2002 Tsypin, Marty Portland Energy Conservation, Inc view
RD-0033 9/12/2002 Tucker, John and Leona view
RD-0009 9/11/2002 Foster, David United Steelworkers of America view
reply 9/17 by
While curtailment was an unavoidable outcome of an emergency in 2001 and it was the right thing to do to provide pay and benefits for displaced workers, I disagree that building in these benefits to future contracts is wise. The thought of guaranteed pay for 6 months on the back of ratepayers sounds like a form of welfare. I would also worry those that workers that look forward to curtailment benefits and double-dip at another job. Unions and aluminum companies should factor this changing environment of limited supply into their business model and contingency plans.
RD-0010 9/11/2002 Murphy, Paul ALCOA and Golden Northwest Aluminum view
RD-0007 9/11/2002 Redman, Eric Golden Northwest Aluminum view
RD-0006 9/9/2002 Parrish, J.V. Energy Northwest view
RD-0386 9/9/2002 Reed, M. view
RD-0005 9/3/2002 Carter, Sheryl Natural Resources Defense Council and others (modified 9/16 by Steve Weiss, NW Energy Coalition) view
RD-0035 8/28/2002 Flakus, Greg view
RD-0004 8/23/2002 Lothrop, Rob Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission view
RD-0003 8/22/2002 Miller, Bill Nespelem Valley Electric Co-Op view
RD-0002 7/29/2002 Holbrook, Doug Seattle-Tacoma International Airport view
reply 8/4 by Sidney Clouston
Dear Sir: Please consider a deregulated state like Oregon and your regulated state of Washington as being different. The public owned utilities face issues in other states which deregulation is now occuring. Bureaucratic decissions and criminal behavior caused the glitch in California. However, Texas is now an example to follow and perhaps Oregon although moving slower may be worthy of learning from. Innovation drivews competition and progress. Best regards, Clouston Energy Research Sidney Clouston
RD-0001 7/24/2002 Ogden, Daniel view
reply 8/4 by Sidney Clouston
Dear Dr. Ogden: Please provide examples of monopoly benefits to our discussion group. I cannot understand why electricity is not to be traded as a commodity. It is done that way in many areas on this planet. No competition is the dream of any monoploy even if it is a union of several utilities. It is about power over power and beating or killing the competition. That is not in the Public interest, sorry. Respectfully, Clouston Energy Research Sidney Clouston