The Council is seeking proposals for software redevelopment of the Regional Portfolio Model (RPM). The redeveloped version of the RPM must be completed by February 12, 2015 for use by Council staff to support development of the Seventh Northwest Power Plan.

RFP Background:

In its Northwest Power Plans, the Council is responsible for developing a resource strategy based on an independent analysis of the region’s long-term energy needs and the costs and availability of a wide variety of energy efficiency and generating resources. In addition to minimizing system costs, the analysis addresses major uncertainties and strategies for mitigating risks.

The Regional Portfolio Model or RPM is an integrated electric resource planning model used by the Council to identify least-cost adaptive resource strategies for the region. The model was used in developing the Council’s Fifth and Sixth Northwest Power Plans. Delivery of the redeveloped RPM by February 2015 is critical to the Council’s work on the Seventh Power Plan. 

The redeveloped RPM software is intended to provide the Council with a model that can analyze different electric resource portfolios during the development of the Seventh Northwest Power Plan. Uses of the redeveloped RPM will need to include strategic risk analysis, including cost and risk tradeoffs of differing resource portfolios across a large number of potential futures. The redeveloped RPM will also be used to test various policy propositions (e.g., identify and evaluate strategies for, and costs of, achieving postulated goals for regional power system greenhouse gas emissions).

Key Links and Information:

RFP Status Update (4/18/2014)

On April 18th at 1pm the Council met by phone in public session and made the decision to choose Navigant Consulting as the vendor for the redevelopment of RPM.  Click here to read the decision memo staff submitted to the Council Members describing their recommendation.

RFP Status Update (3/5/2014):

Six entities submitted proposals in response to the RFP. Council staff conducted a structured evaluation of the proposals and recommended selecting three of the proposals for further consideration. This was discussed with members of the Power Committee, and staff’s recommendation was accepted. The following three companies were then notified that their proposals have been short-listed:

  • Ascend Analytics
  • Energy Exemplar
  • Navigant Consulting

Meetings with the short-listed vendors are being scheduled for March 18-19. During these meetings Council staff will ask the vendors to provide further information and clarification of their proposals. There will also be an opportunity for each vendor to present a summary of their proposal to an advisory group of seven representatives of BPA, utilities and other regional interests. The Council has also requested each vendor to provide a pro forma contract for examination.


Link to Full RFP Document with all details and information

Link to Questions and Answers Summary for RFP.  All questions we've received from both pre-bid conference as well as any received directly by Council are answered here.
(posted 1/13/2014)

Related to requests we've received, we have uploaded the files that were used for the RPM process in the Sixth Plan.  It would be good to look at the files in the directory “Directions for using RPM and utilities” for context.  The main model file to be looked at is in the “L814” directory and is an Excel file “L814.xls”.  While we hope these files can provide some context, parsing through the entire code base of the current model is a monumental task.  We hope this helps facilitate responses to the RFP.  It is not intended to be used as the primary source of information for the redevelopment process.

The files are posted on FTP at  The username is ftpguest and the password is ftpcouncil13.


Proposal Instructions: 

Due Date for Proposals

For a proposal to be considered, it must be delivered to the Council electronically to:

Sharon Ossmann
Administrative Division Director
Northwest Power and Conservation Council

Proposals must be received by the Council no later than 5:00 pm Pacific Standard Time (PST) on Thursday, February 6, 2014.


This process announcement is for entities interested in submitting proposals in response to the Council’s RFP for redevelopment of its regional portfolio model (RPM).   

After reviewing proposals submitted by the February 6 deadline, Council staff will identify a short list of proposals for further consideration.  At that time, we will request the submitter of each short-listed proposal provide a pro forma contract for consideration by the Council in the event their proposal is ultimately selected.  The submission of a sample contract, or sample contract provisions, carries no legal implications, will not bind the vendor to any particular terms or language, and is not to be considered an offer or acceptance of any work.  Rather, it may serve as a basis, in the event the vendor’s proposal  is selected as the winning bid, for drafting a contract that is acceptable to all parties. 

Once the Council has selected the winning proposal, the Council will prepare a contract for services for review by the selected vendor.   


Pre-bid Conference

The Council will hold a pre-bid conference at 2:00 pm PST on Wednesday, January 8, 2014 to hear and respond to questions potential respondents may have concerning the bidding process, the scope of work, etc.  Questions from this conference and any other questions we have received on the RFP will be answered in writing and posted above.

January 8th meeting call in and web information:


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