How many populations and combination of populations are there in the mapping tool?
There are 295 populations and combination of populations in the mapping tool
- These include objectives for individual ESA-listed and non-listed populations and objectives for combined populations, such as for an entire subbasin. Some population names may not match the NOAA ESA formal name. All names can be viewed here.
- Each population (or combination of populations) may have one or more abundance objective value(s) from one or more document(s). Sometimes the same value is provided multiple times with a slightly different variable name. Other times there are multiple unique abundance objective values with different variable names (e.g., near- or long-term objective).
How many objectives value are there for natural-origin adult Chinook?
There are 121 Chinook populations and combination of populations in the mapping tool
- 8 provide objectives for multiple populations combined
- 1 have 1 unique objective value (Grande Ronde subbasin)
- 3 have 2 unique objective values each (Grande Ronde subbasin-spring/summer chinook; Salmon River subbasin; Salmon River subbasin-spring/summer chinook)
- 3 have 3 unique values (Clearwater subbasin; Clearwater subbasin-spring/summer chinook; Imnaha River subbasin)
- 1 has 4 unique values (Asotin subbasin)
- 113 provide objectives for individual populations
- 30 have 1 abundance objectives
- 28 have 2 abundance objectives
- 45 have 3 abundance objectives
- 9 have 4 abundance objectives
- 1 has 5 unique abundance objectives
How many objectives value are there for natural-origin adult Chum?
There are 26 Chum populations and combination of populations in the mapping tool
- 12 have only 1 unique abundance objective value
- 9 have 2 unique abundance objectives
- 2 have 3 unique abundance objectives
- 3 have 4 unique abundance objectives
How many objectives value are there for natural-origin adult Coho?
There are 37 Coho populations and combination of populations in the mapping tool
- 2 provide objectives value for all populations in a subbasin combined
- 1 has 1 unique abundance objective values (Salmon subbasin)
- 1 has 2 unique abundance objective values (Grande Ronde subbasin)
- 35 provide objective for individual populations
- 10 have 1 unique abundance objective each
- 13 have 2 unique abundance objectives each
- 10 have 3 unique abundance objectives
- 2 have 4 unique abundance objectives
How many objectives value are there for natural-origin adult Sockeye?
There are 9 Sockeye populations and combination of populations in the mapping tool
- 2 provide objectives for all populations in a subbasin combined
- each has 2 unique abundance objectives (Grande Ronde subbasin; Salmon subbasin)
- 7 provide objectives for individual populations
- 6 populations have unique abundance objective
- 1 population has 2 unique abundance objectives
How many objectives value are there for natural-origin adult Steelhead?
There are 102 Steelhead populations and combination of populations in the mapping tool
- 6 provide objectives for all populations in a subbasin combined
- 96 provide objectives for individual populations
- 24 have one unique abundance objective
- 22 have 2 unique abundance objectives
- 28 have 3 unique abundance objectives
- 15 have 4 unique abundance objectives
- 6 have 5 unique abundance objectives
- 1 has 12 unique abundance objectives
How do multiple objectives for a population fit together?
For some populations with multiple objectives, the objectives fit together by ranging from a minimum abundance (small) to a larger sustainable abundance. Some populations may have some overlap in their numerical objectives or may not fit as neatly together. Below are 5 examples illustrating these variations.