Open Mapping Tool for Fish Objectives
Open Query Tool for Fish Objectives
Mapping/Query Tool | Item | Description |
Salmon & Steelhead | RecordType | This identifies whether the objective value(s) are meant to apply to a Population, Superpopulation (multiple populations combined), or Subset Population (a subset of a population). |
All | Species | This identifies whether the information pertains to Chinook, coho, chum, sockeye, steelhead, bull trout, burbot, cutthroat (coastal, westslope, yellowstone), eulachon, kokanee, Oregon chub, Pacific lamprey, redband trout, and white sturgeon. |
Salmon & Steelhead | Run | For salmon and steelhead, this is the primary run provided by NOAA for ESA populations. For non-ESA populations the run is from the published report or managers. If alternative run's are used by managers these are listed under the AltName field. |
Salmon & Steelhead | PopType | This identifies whether the Population or Subset Population is a listed as a NOAA ESA Population (ESA) or is not listed under the endangered species act (NonESA). The Superpopulation record-type is not assigned a PopType as it may consist of a combination of ESA and NonESA populations as indicated by the SelectedPopulations field. |
Salmon & Steelhead | Popname | The primary name is provided by NOAA for ESA populations. For non-ESA populations the primary name is obtained from Managers based on the name provided to StreamNet or in the absence of a StreamNet name the name comes directly from managers or published reports. For Superpopulation names or Subset Population names these match a published report or name provided by managers. |
Salmon & Steelhead | AltName1 | This column captures information about alternative name, run, MPG, ESU used by managers or in published reports that differ from the current primary name. |
Salmon & Steelhead | AltName2 | This column captures information about alternative name, run, MPG, ESU used by managers or in published reports that differ from the current primary name. |
Salmon & Steelhead | AltName3 | This column captures information about alternative name, run, MPG, ESU used by managers or in published reports that differ from the current primary name. |
Salmon & Steelhead | SelectedPopulations | This identifies the populations that the objective value pertains to. For ESA populations the NOAA name is selected; where as for non-ESA populations the managers' or published report name is used. When the objective value pertains to a Subset Population or a Superpopulation the population included in the Subset Population or Superpopulation or identified here. |
All | CategoryName | This is the full name for the grouping categories used to group objective values of similar intent. For instance in the salmon and steelhead mapping tool, categories include objective values for minimum viability, mid-range, and higher-range abundance; whereas in the other fish mapping tool, categories include Habitat, Diversity, Distribution, Catch/Harvest/Angling, and Abundance). |
Salmon & Steelhead | CategoryNameShort | This is the abbreviated name displayed on the mapping tool for the grouping categories used to group objective values of similar intent, e.g. minimum viability, mid-range and higher-range abundance. |
Salmon & Steelhead | ObjVarName | This is the variable name found in the cited source associated with the objective value. |
Salmon & Steelhead | ObjMinValue | This is the quantitative objective value found in the cited source. If the value from the cited source is a range of values then the minimum value of the range is entered here. |
Salmon & Steelhead | ObjMaxValue | This is the quantitative objective value found in the cited source. If the value from the cited source is a range of values then the maximum value of the range is entered here. |
Salmon & Steelhead | ObjLabel | If the quantitative objective valley found in the cited sources is associated with a mathematical symbol such as '>' or '<' then this symbol is provided here. |
Resident Fish, Pacific lamprey, and Eulachon | Label | States the term associated with the statement in its original document. There are over 30 different terms used, such as an objective, goal, recovery criteria, interim measure, success criterion, and desired condition. |
Resident Fish, Pacific lamprey, and Eulachon | Statement Group | Assigned one of four groups to facilitate organizing the content into the mapping tool. These consist of: Goal, Number, Objective, and Trend. |
Resident Fish, Pacific lamprey, and Eulachon | Standard Group | Assigned one of 40 unique standard groups to further sub-organize the content of the mapping tool. These standard groups include number of adults, viability, temperature, commercial fishery, reservoir habitat, number of locations, number of individuals, and age/length structure |
Resident Fish, Pacific lamprey, and Eulachon | Category Name | Assigned one of ten names to further sub-organize the content of the mapping tool. These consist of: Abundance, Catch/Harvest/Angling, Density, Distribution, Diversity, Fish Health, Habitat, Hatchery, Productivity, and Survival in the wild. |
Resident Fish, Pacific lamprey, and Eulachon | ||
Resident Fish, Pacific lamprey, and Eulachon | ||
FishOrigin | This field identifies the type of fish that are included in the objective value based on the cited source, whether the value pertains only to natural origin fish, natural and hatchery origin fish, or if the cited source is unclear about the origin of the fish pertaining to the objective value (unspecified). | |
TargetTimeline | If the objective value from the cited source is associated with a timeline by which the objective should be achieved, this timeline is indicated here. The timeline is captured as stated in the cited source and may be vague in terms of a specific end-date, e.g., within a 25 year horizon. | |
SuperCeded | If the value in this column is 'True' this indicates that the objective value from the cited source has been replaced by a more recently published objective value and source. | |
Comments | This is information about which entity reviewed the content of the information. Given the dynamic nature of this tool and that the actual information is entered by Council staff errors may exist that are not the fault of the entity that reviewed previous versions of this information. Any corrections required should be sent to Council Staff Nancy Leonard following the process outlined here: /fw/am/goals-objective/map_process/ | |
Document | This is the source document for the objective value (cited document). If a personal communication is cited this contains the entity and name of the source of the personal communication. | |
DocumentLink | This is the online link to access the cited document. | |
DocumentType | This field is used to identify documents that provide official NOAA-ESA objective values (e.g. minimum abundance threshold) and documents that are providing non-ESA related values (e.g. subbasin plans). This field determines which values are show in the 'Recovery' Tab of the online mapping tool pop-up box and which objectives are highlighted as NOAA-ESA objective values in the online mapping tool pop-up boxes. | |
DocYear | This is the publication year for the source document. If a personal communication is cited this contains the year of the personal communication. | |
Doc Purpose | This is an abbreviated summary of the type of objectives and information provided by the source document. | |
Doc Author | This is the author of the document. If a personal communication is cited this contains the entity and name of the source of the personal communication. | |
Subbasin | Subbasin names are from the NPCC Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program's Subbasins. | |
ESU | For ESA population the status should match the current NOAA ESU name. If managers or published reports use a prior name these are indicated in the AltName field. One exception exists for the Okanogan Sockeye which belongs to the Canadian Okanagan Conservation Unit and the non-NOAA Okanogan River ESU on the USA portion of the range. | |
MPG | This field is for ESA-listed populations. For ESA population the major population group (MPG) should match the current NOAA MPG name. If managers, or published reports, use a prior name for the MPG these are indicated in the AltName field. | |
RecDomain | This field is for ESA-listed populations. For ESA population this should match the current NOAA recovery domain. | |
| This field is for ESA-listed populations. For ESA population this should match the current NOAA recovery subdomain. | |
ESAStatus | This field is for ESA-listed populations. For ESA population the status should match the current NOAA ESA status (e.g., Extant, Extirpated and is related to the Designation field. | |
Designation | This field is for ESA-listed populations and is related to the ESA Status. For ESA population this designation should match the current NOAA designation (e.g., threatened, endangered). | |
ESAListingYear | This field is for ESA-listed populations. For ESA population the listing year should match the current NOAA ESA listing year. | |
ProgramAdopted | This indicates whether the objective value is found in the NPCC's Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program or subbasin plans. | |
NMFS_POPID | NOAA PopID is the population identifying number used by NOAA in 2016. | |
SN_PopID | StreamNet PopID is the unique population identifying number used by StreamNet in 2016. | |
CALink | This is a link to the natural origin spawner abundance (NOSA) information available from the tool. | |
DistributionLink | This is a link to the distribution polygon provided by StreamNet. | |
SubbasinObjRange* | This is the range of objective values associated with all populations for a given species found in the subbasin (excludes Superpopulations and Subset Populations). This range is manually entered by Council Staff based on the active (not superceded) objective values compiled for all populations by species in the subbasin. | |
MPGObjRange* | This is the range of objective values associated with all populations for a given species found in the MPG (excludes Superpopulations and Subset Populations). This range is manually entered by Council Staff based on the active (not superceded) objective values compiled for all populations by species in the MPG. |
* For these database fields, the query tool defaults to off thus not displaying the columns for these fields. To view the content of these columns you can select these from the drop-down menu by clicking on the icon (top right of the grid).