Council fish and wildlife staff work-session to provide input on

PNAMP’s Regional Habitat Indicator Project (RHIP)

Tuesday August 9th, 2016

11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. (Mountain Time)

Koostahtah Room, KwaTaqNuk Resort, Polson, Montana


Remote participation: 

and join the conference call: 1-800-356-8278, code 186685


Work session purpose and 2014 FW program relevance

Facilitate exchanges between Fish and Wildlife Managers and the PNAMP regional habitat indicator project (RHIP). The product of the RHIP supports the 2014 FW Program habitat and ecosystem objectives task.


11:30 am

Lunch is served for RSVP participants

11:45 am

Welcome and introductions


12:00 pm

Overview of 2014 program guidance & RHIP project

(Nancy Leonard, Amy Puls)

12:30 pm

Discussion about ranking criteria and condensed management questions

(Amy Puls, group)

12:50 pm

Quick peek at survey tool for informing ranking of management questions

(Amy Puls)

12:55 pm

Next steps

(Nancy Leonard)

1:00 pm




Council meeting resumes at 1:30pm in Michel/Victor Room

 Website for meeting materials: /fw/am/goals-objective/

 Website for PNAMP RHIP: