2009 update: This project received an ISRP review of meets scientific criteria in the FY2010 Wildlife Categorical Review, and a Council fund recommendation. See cbfish.org for assessment details.
At the Council’s request, the ISRP reviewed additional materials submitted in response to the ISRP’s final FY 2007-09 review of the Combined Habitat Assessment Protocols (CHAP) work element of project 200600600, Habitat Evaluation Procedures (HEP). In its final FY 2007-09 review, the ISRP found that the CHAP work element did not meet the ISRP’s scientific review criteria. Considering the ISRP’s recommendation, the Council recommended to BPA not to expand the scope of the project, that is, not to fund the CHAP work element. However, the Bonneville Power Administration reserved a budget to fund the CHAP work element to address the need for a scientifically sound crediting process for Willamette Basin wildlife mitigation. Subsequently, the Council recommended that the ISRP re-review the CHAP work element for its intended Willamette subbasin mitigation purpose.
The ISRP’s conclusion is that there is still insufficient evidence, from the supplemental material provided, that the CHAP protocol represents a substantial improvement over HEP for wildlife habitat assessments, as required by the Council’s Fish and Wildlife Program. Thus, the CHAP element of proposal 20060600 does mot meet scientific review criteria because it has not yet been shown to represent a sufficient improvement of habitat evaluation practice leading to quantifiable benefits to fish and wildlife.