At the Council’s February 3, 2009 request, the ISRP evaluated documentation provided by the Chelan County Natural Resource Department to justify restoration actions on two project sites by the Wenatchee Complexity Project -- sites CMZ 11 and CMZ 4.
The ISRP recommends "meets scientific review criteria (qualified)". The CMZ 11 supporting documents are sufficient for the ISRP to recommend this project. However, as Chelan County acknowledges, the CMZ N4 design and design report have not yet been finalized, nor has the CMZ N4 effectiveness monitoring plan been fleshed out. For this reason the ISRP qualifies its assessment of CMZ N4 pending completion of the CMZ N4 design and submittal of a monitoring plan for CMZ N4 that includes both implementation and effectiveness monitoring components.
The ISRP notes that Chelan County has done a good job of responding to the ISRP’s requests for information. In particular, they are to be commended for using survey data from similar sites in the area to project the biological benefits of the CMZ 11 and CMZ N4 side-channel enhancement projects. Based on the information submitted to us, it appears that these sites will primarily benefit spring and summer Chinook and coho salmon.