see March 2010 updated review
The attached memo contains the ISRP’s review of two Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC) Accord Proposals, Produce Statistically Valid Harvest Estimates (2008-508-00) and Increase Zone 6 Tribal Fishery Monitoring (2008-502-00). The ISRP provides the review of these proposals together because both were submitted by CRITFC, involve tribal harvest monitoring, and one proposal will inform the other. The Council requested our review on April 26, 2010.
Proposal 2008-508-00
This is an ISRP response review for the Harvest Estimates proposal (2008-508-00). This project intends to determine and formalize statistically valid sampling protocols for tribal harvest estimates throughout the Columbia River Basin. On August 26, 2009, we released our review of the initial proposal and requested a response asking for (1) a summary of the programs that use the escapement estimate data, (2) the sampling criteria those programs require for robust analysis, and (3) a survey design that will be adequate to determine if the creel census meets the program needs (see ISRP 2009-37). The ISRP’s attached memo provides a detailed review of the adequacy of the response to these three issues. In sum, the ISRP recommends that the proposal, augmented by the response, meets scientific review criteria (qualified).
Proposal 2008-502-00
This is the ISRP’s first look at the proposal, Increase Zone 6 Tribal Fishery Monitoring (2008-502-00). The proposal is intended to "improve the reliability of catch estimates for Zone 6 tribal fisheries by increasing the collection of tribal catch data through increased sample rates and the use of new data collection methods. Tribal catch estimates are required in real time to properly manage fisheries for conservation and to fairly share the harvestable component of upriver runs between treaty and non-treaty fisheries." This project is intended to supply additional sampling and analytical support to the Harvest Estimates proposal, while information from the Harvest Estimates proposal may be used to improve the sampling efforts carried out under this proposal. The Zone 6 proposal is also intended to supply information to another CRITFC proposal, Genetic Assessment of Columbia River Stocks (2008-907-00). In sum, the ISRP found that the proposal does not provide enough detail to evaluate the actions proposed, and thus the ISRP requests a response.