At the Council’s June 25 request, the ISRP reviewed the proposal by the Columbia Land Trust titled Columbia Land Trust Estuarine Restoration (2010-073-00). This new proposal outlines a plan to develop, design, and construct on-the-ground restoration habitat actions intended to benefit threatened and endangered salmonid species in lower river/estuary mainstem and tributary tidal habitats that promote the diverse estuarine life histories of wild salmonids. The proposal is also intended to provide survival benefits to meet targets required under the 2008 Biological Opinion for the Federal Columbia River Power System.
The ISRP found that the proposal does not meet scientific review criteria and requests a response in the form of a revised proposal.
The following are needed in an adequate response:
1. In the technical justification, program significance, and project relationships sections clarify the specific role of the Trust in the process of BPA-funded habitat restoration.
2. Include quantitative environmental and biological objectives consistent with the 2009 Fish and Wildlife Program. The objectives given are very general and not amendable to technical review.
3. For tasks 1, 2, and 3 provide a level of detail that will enable the ISRP to adequately evaluate the potential of this proposal/project to provide benefits to juvenile salmonids. (see comments below for these tasks).
4. Provide details on specific monitoring methods and data management.