At the Council’s December 3, 2009 request, the ISRP reviewed an updated document for the Nez Perce Tribe’s project, Protect and Restore Big Canyon Creek Watershed (# 1999-016-00), and the Nez Perce Soil and Water Conservation District’s project, Big Canyon Fish Habitat (# 1999-015-00). This document, Big Canyon Watershed Ecological Restoration Strategy, was revised to address concerns raised in earlier Council and ISRP reviews.
After considering the updated document and the response (attached to the cover letter), the ISRP finds that the project does not meet scientific review criteria.
The ISRP understands the need to address the set of problems presented by current habitat conditions in the lower Clearwater A-run steelhead tributaries. The ISRP also appreciates the need to involve private landowners if improvements are to be made. However, due in large part to the unique nature of the Big Canyon system, the ISRP believes the work outlined does not provide compelling evidence that it would benefit steelhead.