The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife’s proposal, Grande Ronde Spring Chinook on Lostine/Catherine Creek/ Upper Grande Ronde Rivers (199800704), is part of the Council’s RME and Artificial Production Categorical Review. The ISRP requested a response in its preliminary review, but the proponents missed the response deadline. When this was identified, a response was submitted and the Council requested the ISRP’s review.
As described in the proposal, "The purpose of this proposal is to integrate Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) efforts with the Lower Snake River Compensation Plan (LSRCP) in the Grande Ronde subbasin program utilizing Lookingglass Hatchery as the primary rearing facility. These integrated efforts focus on holding and spawning adults, rearing juveniles, fish health, and monitoring natural production (redd counts) for Catherine Creek, Lostine River, and Upper Grande Ronde stocks."
ISRP Final Recommendation: Does not meet scientific review criteria
ISRP Final Comments:
The ISRP acknowledges that the proponents have provided some additional information toward clarifying project objectives and actions. The proponents also addressed the ISRP’s comment concerning the time frame for phasing out the captive broodstock program. The ISRP also acknowledges that "The major part of this project is straight-forward artificial propagation. The current production levels have been agreed to and incorporated into the U.S. v. Oregon Interim Management Agreement." However, the proposal does not meet scientific criteria based on the information presented.
The primary deficiency in the proposal is a lack of integration between this project and other projects in the Grande Ronde subbasin, including the LSRCP, that together function to supplement spring Chinook.