This review provides preliminary comments and recommendations of the Independent Scientific Review Panel (ISRP) and Peer Review Groups on projects submitted for Fiscal Year 2002 funding in the Mountain Snake and Blue Mountain Provinces. It provides project sponsors and the public an opportunity to respond to ISRP concerns before the ISRP makes its final recommendation to the Council on December 21, 2001. This report also provides information to the Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Authority for its use in project prioritization.
This preliminary report marks the completion of the first step in the project selection process. As stated above, project proponents and the public have the opportunity to respond to this report. Responses should focus on the technical comments, answer all review questions, and clarify uncertain information. Responses should be formatted to address concerns point by point, clearly identifying each concern and providing a response. The title and project number of the proposal should be displayed prominently on the front page of the response. Electronic documents should be named the project ID; e.g. “2222response.doc” and email messages should contain the project ID in the subject line.
Important: If the response includes any change in the budget, the project sponsors must resubmit Part I of the proposal form with a revised budget section.
Concurrently, CBFWA, with the ISRP’s technical review in hand, will generate a list of projects recommended for funding and finalize the subbasin summaries as part of its draft annual implementation work plan. The work plan is scheduled for release November 30, 2001. For more details on the CBFWA process and province reviews in general see
The ISRP will then review the responses and CBFWA's recommended list of projects and provide a second and final report to the Northwest Power Planning Council by December 21, 2001. Thereafter, the Council will make its funding recommendations to Bonneville. It is anticipated that the Council’s funding recommendations will be made in January or February of 2002.
[The response period ended October 12, 2001.]