The Council is embarking on the development of the 2021 Power Plan and that means its time to get the generating resources advisory committee together. As a kick-off to our resource analysis, this webinar will focus on the electric transmission system in the Northwest as it pertains to resource cost and deliverability.

*For further background information on transmission utilization in the NW, see the February 21, 2018 meeting (includes video recording of presentation) 


Introduction and GRAC Schedule Overview - Gillian Charles

Electric Transmission in the NW - Mike Starrett

  • An overview of typical seasonal power flows throughout the region
  • A detailed analysis of the physical utilization vs. contractual encumberment on key paths in the region
  • A comparison between the bi-lateral operating paradigm in this region vs. the market driven operation in other areas
  • A summary of transmission rates and implications of all covered topics on development opportunity and long term planning