10:00am - 3:00pm

GoToWebinar - https://www1.gotomeeting.com/join/963746120

Accuconference – 1.800.786.1922, guest code 53922423#

10:00  AM

Welcome, Introductions

10:15  AM

Utility-scale Onshore Wind - Preliminary Resource Evaluation and Assumptions  

11:00  AM


11:15  AM

Utility-scale Onshore Wind - Preliminary Resource Evaluation and Assumptions (Continued)

11:40  AM

Draft Seventh Plan Wholesale Electricity Price Forecast

12:00 PM

LUNCH - on your own

1:00  PM

 Natural Gas Peaking Technologies - Preliminary Resourve Evaluation and Assumptions (Revisited)

  • Frame, Aeroderivative, Hybrid Intercooled, Reciprocating Engine

2:15 PM

Preliminary Seventh Plan Resource Financial Profiles

2:30 PM

Treatment of Risk and Sponsor Profiles (Dave LeVee, PwrCast, Inc.)

2:45 PM

Hydropower Scoping Study - Update

2:50 PM

Discussion of Next GRAC Meetings 

3:00 PM
