Tentative Agenda
Natural Gas Advisory Committee
June 7th, 2013
9:00 AM to 12:30 PM
Instructions for GoToMeeting provided below
- Welcome and introductions 9:00 to 9:15
- Northwest Gas Outlook - (NWNGA) 9:15 to 9:45
- Shale Gas- alternative scenarios (CEC) 9:45 to 10:15
- NAMgas model- (CEC) 10:15 to 10:45
- Draft Environmental Costs (Council staff) 10:45 to 11:00
- Break
- Straw man proposal 7th plan forecasted prices 11:10 to 12:00
- Result of fuel price poll
- Comparison to other forecasts
- How different future fuel prices are created in
Council’s Regional Portfolio Model (council staff) 12:00 to 12:20
- Next steps 12:20 to 12:30
If you are not able to attend in person, please join us meeting using GoToMeeting.
2. Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended. Or, call in using your telephone.
Dial 1 877 309 2070
Access Code: 822-067-040
Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting
Meeting ID: 822-067-040