RAAC Steering Committee Webinar
When: May 1, 2015 2:00-3:30PM
Webinar Link: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/262557533
Join the conference call: 1-866-899-4679, Code: 262-557-533
Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting, PLEASE Enter your Audio PIN!
Meeting ID: 262-557-533
- Final Adequacy Assessments for 2020/21 (30 min)
- Review of Changes since the 2019 Assessment (15 min)
- Loads
- Resources
- Assumptions
- Review DRAFT Council report on 2020/21 Adequacy (30 min)
- Future Work (15 min)
- Revising the Adequacy Standard
- Enhancing GENESYS