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9:00 am - 3:00 pm Pacific
*Due to limited space, this meeting will take place on the 2nd floor of the Council Offices.*
9:00 Welcome, Introductions (Tim Baker and Cory Scott RTF PAC Co-Chairs)
9:10 Announcements (Jennifer Light RTF Chair)
9:20 2020-2024 Scoping of Funding Levels (Charlie Grist, RTF Vice-Chair and Jennifer Light, RTF Chair)
- The primary purpose of this discussion is to discuss anticipated budget levels for the RTF’s “core” scope and considerations for additional activities that might impact budget levels. The goal will be go get agreement on funding levels for this core scope and a funding allocation plan.
- Draft 2020 Funding Levels Sheet
11:15 Break
11:30 Primary Research Discussion – Showerheads (Jennifer Light, RTF Chair)
- For this topic, staff will present a business case for regional research on showerheads (and related water saving devices), including proposed budget levels, and seeking RTF PAC direction on the best path forward for potentially completing such research.
12:30 Lunch (60 mins)
1:30 Systematic Review of Resource Costs, Including Non-Energy Impacts (Jennifer Light, RTF Chair)
- Jennifer will present Council staff’s work to ensure symmetric treatment of costs and benefits across all resources for the 2021 Plan in alignment with the Power Act. This framework will also inform RTF consideration of these costs and benefits, including which non-energy impacts it will consider for future quantification.
2:30 PAC Dashboard (Jennifer Light, RTF Chair)
2:45 Wrap Up and Next Meeting Items
3:00 Adjourn