System Integration Forum: Climate Change and the 2021 Power Plan Workshop
May 1, 2019
9:30am - 4:00pm Pacific
Council Offices in Portland OR or by Webinar (see below)
This meeting is open to the public and all are welcome to attend in person or via webinar
The Northwest Power and Conservation Council is exploring incorporating the impact of climate change in its planning for the 2021 Power Plan.
9:30am Introductions and Goals of the meeting
9:40am General Circulation/Climate Change/Earth System Models and how to select them - David Rupp, Oregon State University
10:10am Representative Concentration Paths and what is the right RCP to select for council’s planning purposes - David Rupp, OSU
10:40am Review of CC modeling in utility IRPs - Gillian Charles, Council Staff
11:00am Break
11:15am Presentation by utilities on how they have incorporated climate change in their load forecast and resource planning
- BPA - Reed Davis
- Seattle City Light - Ronda Strauch
- Other utility comments (in addition to IRP review topic above)
11:45am Discussion of how to select GCM and RCP for the Plan, David Rupp lead group discussion
12:30pm Get lunch and bring back to room (on your own)
Feel free to finish eating after we get started again!
1:00pm Discussions of methodology for incorporating GCM and RCP in the modeling works at the Council
- Load Forecasting – Massoud Jourabchi and Daniel Hua
- Energy Efficiency – Charlie Grist and Daniel Hua
- Resource Adequacy – John Ollis and Daniel Hua
- Regional Portfolio Model - John Ollis
- New and Existing Generation Resources - Gillian Charles & Mike Starrett
- Forecast of Fuel price - Steve Simmons
3:00pm Break
3:15pm Discussion on indirect/secondary impacts of Climate Change on economic and energy systems in the NW
- Survey II on indirect impacts (fill out the survey ahead of time!)
- This survey presents a strawman proposal for capturing secondary impact of climate change on economic driver of the climate change
- Additional background info on the survey
3:50pm Next steps and future meetings and discussion
Webinar info for those who cannot attend in person:
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States (Toll Free): 1 866 899 4679, Access Code: 131-215-941