RAAC/SAAC Combined Meeting
May 6, 2020
9:30am - 3:30pm Pacific Time
WEBINAR ONLY - see below
9:30 – 9:45 Introductions, power plan process update and review agenda
9:45 – 12:00 Resource Adequacy Assessment
- Findings from climate change wind data and proposal for plan methodology
- Review draft 2024 simulations with CC data
- Summer imports/IPPs
- Draft 2022, 2031 simulations with CC data and implied ARMs
- Further redeveloped GENESYS exploration:
- Hydro operations
- Thermal Operations
- Market prices
- California to Canada Import/Export
- Forecast error
12:15 – 1:00 Virtual Social Distancing Lunch
1:00 – 1:45 New and Existing System Resources for Draft Plan
- Buildup of existing resource tranches
- New and existing resource parameters in RPM, GENESYS and AURORA
- Existing resource differences in coal retirement scenario
1:45 – 2:45 Interpretation of Existing Policies for Draft Plan
- State, provincial, municipal policies and utility goals in the WECC
- Implementation in RPM and AURORA
2:45 – 3:15 RPM Futures Methodology (Part 1)
- Review of how risk is assessed in the Regional Portfolio Model
- Benchmark forecasts
- Weather Normalized Loads
- Expected Peak Loads
- Gas Prices
- Electricity Prices
3:15 – 3:30 Topics for Upcoming Meetings and Conclusion
- SAAC meetings: June 2nd
- RAAC meetings: Steering Committee in June, Technical Committee in July
- Committee charter/memberships updated in June 2020
- Topics:
- RPM Futures Methodology (Part 2)
- External Electricity Price Forecast
- Updates on Climate Change wind
- Continued discussion on scenarios
Webinar info:
1. Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone to see slides and hear audio (or you may call in by phone)
https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/987339757 - join this FIRST no matter how you plan to join audio
2. You can also dial in to audio using your phone. Please dial in AFTER you connect to GTMeeting so you can see your audio pin.
Call: 1 877 309 2070
Enter Access Code: 987-339-757
Enter Audio Pin shown in GTMeeting
We will not be using webcams for the meeting please disable your camera.