MicroFin is a Microsoft Excel-based financial revenue requirements tool that is used by the Council to calculate the levelized fixed cost (for planning and construction) and the full levelized cost of energy (LCOE) for generating resource reference plants. The levelized fixed costs are inputs to the Council’s power planning models (in particular, the RPM), however the levelized cost of energy is an external calculation that can be used as a metric for comparison between generating resource alternatives.

MicroFin was redeveloped by staff in 2019 for use in the 2021 Power Plan. Staff presented a beta version of the tool to the Generating Resources Advisory Committee (GRAC) and select industry financial experts, seeking feedback and testing assistance. The current version of MicroFin is streamlined; for example, there is only one financial sponsor available for selection (investor-owned utility). Staff will continue to update and expand the features of MicroFin for use in the future.

MicroFin is available for public use on the Council’s website, along with a User’s Guide that outlines some of the key parameters.

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