Tom Eckman named acting director of power planning
- June 24, 2014
- John Harrison
Tom Eckman, the Council’s manager of conservation resources since 1992, has been named acting director of the Council’s Power Planning Division, Council Chair Bill Bradbury announced today. Eckman replaces Charlie Black, who recently left the Council.
“Tom’s energy expertise and his thorough knowledge of energy efficiency programs and policies will serve the Council and the region well as we begin the next revision of our Northwest Power Plan later this year,” Bradbury said.
Eckman joined the Council in 1982 and has worked extensively on all of the Council’s power plans since the first one in 1983. As manager of conservation resources, he was in charge of developing and evaluating the model conservation standards, assessing regional energy efficiency potential, and conservation program design. Prior to joining the Council he was a senior energy analyst with Mathematical Sciences Northwest in Bellevue, Washington. He also was a faculty member at Central Washington University and an adjunct professor of environmental studies for Western Washington University. He holds a master of science degree in environmental studies/environmental education and a bachelor of science degree in forestry, both from Southern Illinois University.
Charlie Grist, senior analyst in the Power Planning Division, replaces Eckman as manager of conservation resources.