Comment on our Annual Report on BPA Fish and Wildlife Costs

Since 2001, in response to a request from the governors of Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington, the Council has reported annually on all costs related to fish and wildlife incurred by the Bonneville Power Administration. This includes the cost of implementing the Council’s Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program. The Council’s 20th annual report is available for public comment through April 9.

Submit comments to with Fish and Wildlife Costs Report in the subject line.

In Fiscal Year 2020, Bonneville reported total fish and wildlife costs of approximately $611.5 million, as follows:

  • 238.1 million in direct (expense) costs for the direct-funded portion of the fish and wildlife program, which pays for projects such as habitat improvements, research, and some fish hatchery costs
  • $89.6 million in reimbursements to the federal Treasury for expenditures of Congressionally appropriated funds by the Corps of Engineers, Bureau of Reclamation, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
  • $100.3 million for the fixed cost of debt service (interest, amortization, and depreciation) for capital investments for facilities
  • $33.4 million in forgone hydropower sales revenue
  • $150 million in power purchases to replace power that could not be generated because the water was spilled for fish passage