Council Seeks Comments On Recommendations To Amend The Columbia River Basin Fish And Wildlife Program December 17, 2018 John Harrison By the December 13 deadline, the Council received 51 sets of recommendations.
Bonneville Funding Cuts Hit Fish And Wildlife Program Projects December 14, 2018 John Harrison The cuts are part of an effort by Bonneville to hold costs at or below the rate of inflation for the next 10 years.
Analysis Will Help Target Efforts To Reduce Predation December 13, 2018 John Harrison Fisheries scientists at the Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission are developing a model to help better target efforts to control predation on fish in the Columbia and Snake rivers.
Scientists Will Assess Impacts and Costs of Predation on Fish in the Columbia River Basin November 19, 2018 John Harrison Predation by marine mammals, invasive freshwater species, and birds is taking a toll on Columbia River fish species, but how much?
“World Class” Research is Answering Questions About Fish Habitat, Hatcheries, and Genetics October 29, 2018 John Harrison Science panel chair says research sponsored through the Council’s Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program not only is producing interesting and useful results, but is some of the best of its kind in the world
BPA Commits $420 Million To Columbia Fish Accord Extensions October 12, 2018 John Harrison The Council objects to language in one of the extensions and expresses concern that they may limit tribal involvement in amending the fish and wildlife program.
Small Hydro Plants Boost Snohomish PUD's Energy Supply October 12, 2018 John Harrison Two new small hydropower plants located on creeks above Snoqualmie Falls will will provide power during the high-demand winter months and add carbon-free electricity to the power supply of the Snohomish County Public Utility District.
'Habitat Superheroes' To The Rescue October 12, 2018 John Harrison Beavers provide a low-cost, low-tech method to restore habitat for fish and wildlife, including threatened and endangered species.
Management Actions Have Reduced Predation On Fish By Caspian Terns In The Columbia River Estuary September 14, 2018 John Harrison A management plan to reduce predation by Caspian terns on fish in the Columbia River appears to be working, the research scientist who directs the effort told the Council at its September meeting.
Idaho and BPA Sign $24 Million Wildlife Settlement For Albeni Falls Dam September 14, 2018 John Harrison Idaho Governor C.L. “Butch” Otter and BPA administrator Elliott Mainzer commemorated the completion of a nearly $24 million settlement for the impacts of Albeni Falls Dam on wildlife around Lake Pend Oreille.