Fish And Warm Water Don't Mix June 20, 2016 John Harrison Fish managers and dam operators in the Columbia River Basin are ready to respond if water temperatures rise to lethal levels, as they did in the summer of 2015.
Going, going, almost gone June 07, 2016 John Harrison Sea lions that feast on salmon and steelhead are finally leaving Bonneville Dam, having taken their annual toll on migrating salmon and steelhead.
Early Warning System May 27, 2016 John Harrison State, federal, and tribal fishery managers are preparing for the next water-temperature emergency in the Columbia River Basin.
Culling Cormorants May Not Help Fish Survival May 20, 2016 John Harrison A preliminary analysis by a U.S. Department of Fish and Wildlife scientist suggests no effect on the survival of Snake River steelhead.
Sea Lions Feast on Salmon and Steelhead at Bonneville Dam May 19, 2016 John Harrison Fish kills peak in the first week of May, then decline. More than 50 of the most aggressive hunters have been permanently removed.
Cold-Water Hangouts in a Hot River May 11, 2016 John Harrison Water scientists are searching the Columbia River Basin for the cold-water places where salmon can rest when the water temperature goes lethal.
Hatcheries and Wild Salmon: Results From Nearly 30 Years of Study May 10, 2016 John Harrison Researchers in Idaho find hatcheries can help stabilize a declining salmon population, but not permanently.
Chinook run increases, and so do sea lions May 03, 2016 John Harrison The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers reports that so far this year sea lions are killing more spring salmon than the 10-year average.
In the (Efficient) Spotlight April 25, 2016 John Harrison Council's Seventh Power Plan features in annual energy efficiency conference.
Hot River, Dead Salmon, Lessons Learned April 15, 2016 John Harrison The summer of 2015 turned brutally hot for salmon in the Columbia River. Dam and fish managers report on how last year's experience will help them prepare for future temperature emergencies.