Jennifer Light Will Lead Regional Technical Forum
- October 14, 2015
- John Harrison
Jennifer Light, the Council’s Regional Technical Forum manager, has been elected chair of the 26-member energy efficiency advisory committee.
Jennifer Light, the Council’s Regional Technical Forum manager, has been elected chair of the 26-member energy efficiency advisory committee.
Just a dozen miles northwest of downtown Portland, a cornucopia of wildlife, notably song birds and more than 200,000 migrating waterfowl annually, inhabit the low-lying, marshy backwaters of the Shillapoo Wildlife Area, part of the Vancouver Lake lowlands adjacent to
The Council got a history lesson at its September meeting in Eagle, Idaho. Representatives of a multi-disciplinary team working to rebuild spring Chinook salmon and steelhead runs in the Yankee Fork of the Salmon River reported on their progress repairing
A new report commissioned by the Council and the Columbia Basin Trust identifies a number of areas for improved cooperation and collaboration across the international border in the Columbia River Basin.
Scientists at the University of Montana are perfecting a technique to detect the presence of invasive freshwater mussels long before they form massive colonies that can clog water intakes, impact hydropower and irrigation facilities, cover marinas and beaches, and ruin
Cannabis growers in Washington surveyed by the Council this year say they are interested in learning more about how to use electricity more efficiently. However, while they are interested in incentives and programs to reduce their energy use, most replied