Columbia River Estuary Projects Are Improving Habitat For Migrating Juvenile Salmon and Steelhead March 20, 2020 John Harrison More than 14,000 acres of floodplain have been opened, including 500 acres in 2019 alone.
Estuary Restoration October 31, 2017 John Harrison Scientists are working to better understand what and where juvenile salmon eat in the Columbia River estuary, and whether survival is affected by the numbers, or density, of fish.
Reconnecting a River July 13, 2017 John Harrison Steigerwald Lake floodplain reconnection will improve habitat for migrating juvenile salmon and steelhead.
Unveiling the Estuary February 15, 2017 John Harrison Better understanding of how juvenile salmon use the Columbia River estuary as they journey to the Pacific Ocean, and what factors influence their survival once they arrive, could inform management decisions about how fish are raised in fresh water hatcheries and when they are released.