Note: This version was replaced by the final version, document 2017-4. (Comment period on the draft ended March 2017.)
The Council invites comments on a draft revision of the its Research Plan for the Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program. Please send comments to Kendra Coles of the Council’s Fish and Wildlife Division. Comments will be taken through Friday, March 3, 2017.
The Council first developed a research plan in 2006, pursuant to a provision the Council’s Fish and Wildlife Program. In the 2014 Fish and Wildlife Program (the most recent revision of the program), the Council committed to review and update the Research Plan every three years with the assistance in particular of the federal and state fish and wildlife agencies and the region’s Indian tribes. Revising the plan began with a report developed by the Independent Scientific Advisory Board and Independent Scientific Review Panel to review and make recommendations on the critical uncertainties for the Fish and Wildlife Program. The Council then sought public comment on that report. The Council used all of this information to develop this draft research plan which contains updated critical uncertainties, priority areas for continued review and improvement and implementation recommendations.
The purpose of this research plan is to help the Council, Bonneville, project sponsors and the independent science panels:
- continue to improve organization of research conducted under the Program and reporting of results and conclusions;
- identify critical uncertainties for the Program;
- identify priority areas of current and future research;
- inform adaptive management and
- along with other considerations, guide funding recommendations.
The Council values your comments on the draft, and will consider them carefully along with the other information generated so far as the Council finalizes the Research Plan revision. The Council anticipates approving the final Research Plan in the late spring or early summer of 2017.
Thank you. We appreciate your interest in the work of the Council.