In response to the Northwest Power and Conservation Council’s request, the ISRP expedited its evaluation of the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes’ project titled Yankee Fork Salmon River Restoration (#200205900) as part of the Geographic Review. The ISRP asked for a response in its Preliminary Report for the Geographic Review (ISRP 2013-4). The Tribes responded to the ISRP concerns, many of which were identified in previous reviews of the project (see ISRP 2012-10). The goal of the Yankee Fork Dredge Tailings Restoration Project is to restore natural river channel characteristics, floodplain function, hydraulic and sediment regimes, and aquatic habitat within the dredged reach of the Yankee Fork, Salmon River.
The ISRP recommends that the project meets scientific review criteria. The ISRP appreciates the complete and timely response. For the most part, the detailed and elaborate response materials effectively address the issues raised in the ISRP’s preliminary review.