The attached memo is a follow-up to the ISRP’s final review of the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation Fish Accord proposal, Deschutes River Restoration Program, #2008-301-00 (ISRP 2009-35, August 18, 2009). This project is called for in the Columbia River Fish Accords. The proposal states that "the program will focus on projects aimed at improving instream habitat along with holistic watershed restoration directed at factors limiting salmonid production. Projects will target four broad limiting factors including habitat complexity and quantity, fine sediment, waters temperature, and altered hydrology."
This is the ISRP's third review of this project. The ISRP does not doubt that habitat restoration is needed in the lower Deschutes River and tributaries, However, the ISRP finds that the supporting material available remains insufficiently detailed for the proposal to meet scientific review criteria.