Attached is the ISRP's review of the Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission’s Fish Accord Proposal, Influence of Environment and Landscape on Salmonid Genetics, 2009-005-00.
The ISRP finds that the proposal and ensuing response do not provide a sufficient level detail for the ISRP to conclude that the project will meet the five ISRP review standards: 1. based on sound science principles; 2. benefit fish and wildlife; 3. have clearly defined objective and outcome; 4. provisions for monitoring and evaluation; and 5. consistent with the Council’s fish and wildlife program.
The ISRP recommends that, if this project proceeds, a detailed study design should be prepared and reviewed by the ISRP before any tasks or work elements associated with the landscape genetic or the expression of traits objective are initiated. This will establish the scientific basis of both objectives; provide clearly defined objectives and outcomes; and consistency with the Council’s fish and wildlife program. The ISRP understands that development of the study design will take time and, likely, resources.