9:30am - 3:30pm at Council Offices and Online/Phone
9:30 AM - Welcome and Introductions – Tom Eckman and Charlie Grist
- Announcements
- Purpose and Role of CRAC
- Review Minutes from August 21, 2013 CRAC Meeting, Meeting minutes
9:45 AM - Review Analysis of Regional Savings Achievements 2010-2012
- Presentation by Danielle Gidding (BPA), Lakin Garth & Erin Rowe (Cadmus)
- Discussion
12:30: – Lunch (On Your Own)
1:30 PM - Update on Environmental Costs & Benefits
- RTF screening study of health impacts from wood smoke reduction - Tom Eckman & Charlie Grist
- Seventh Plan process for developing a methodology for determining quantifiable environmental costs and benefits - Charlie Black
2:00 PM - Emerging Technology Discussion: Solid State Lighting
- Overview of Load forecast and Conservation Potential Issues - Charlie Grist
- SSL Pricing & Trend Analysis: Presentation by Jason Tuenge (PNNL)
- Background materials - WinZip File
- Discussion
3:00 PM - Regional Conservation Progress Report Update
- Update by Tom Eckman
3:30 PM Adjourn
Event contact: Chad Madron, cmadron@nwcouncil.org