On November 20, 2006, by letter and e-mail, we transmitted the Council’s final decision document concluding the fish and wildlife project review process for Fiscal Years 2007-09. The Oregon members of the Council subsequently submitted a minority report (see below) to the Council’s decision. Section 4(c)(3) of the Northwest Power Act provides that “[i]f any member of the Council disagrees with respect to any matter transmitted to any Federal or State official or any other person or wishes to express additional views concerning such matter, such member may submit a statement to accompany such matter setting forth the reasons for such disagreement or views.” On that basis, here is the Oregon members’ minority report to accompany the Council’s final FY2007-09 project funding recommendations. We have also mailed to Bonneville a hard copy of the minority report and attachments, as we did the Council's decision.

Please call if you have any questions.


John Shurts
General Counsel